Courte série de 19 épisodes passée inaperçue.
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Je lance un post car Coleman Luck, showrunner de la série THE EQUALIZER, était le créateur de la série et vient d'évoquer la courte existence sur sa page Facebook. On retrouve des noms connus parmi les scénaristes dont Carleton Eastlake que j'avais aussi interviewé pour sa participation à The Equalizer. Il est également co-producteur et le producteur exécutif n'est autre que James McAdams, producteur de KOJAK et THE EQUALIZER, et ami de Coleman.
Back in the mid-90's I created a short-lived television series entitled The Burning Zone. It starred Jeffrey Dean Morgan. In the pilot episode, I created a master virus that had been locked away in a cave for thousands years. It had hive consciousness and could control all the other viruses in the world. It was a metaphor for evil, an evil that is to come and is here. After the series was picked up, we were called in for a meeting at the network. The woman who was the CEO raged at me, literally yelling that she never wanted to see that virus again in any episode.
When we left the meeting and were standing by the elevator, I told my producing partner, Jim McAdams, "I hear distant pounding." He said, "What do you mean?" I replied, "They're nailing together my cross." And so it was. When the blade fell and I was removed, Jeffrey Dean (who was very young back then) was enraged and insisted on fighting for me, though I told him not to. He was fired along with me and the series went to destruction.
The virus of evil and violence (violence is nothing more than a physical expression of evil), has taken control of America. Hollywood has promoted its exponential growth and for this it will be held accountable in the Court of Eternity.
Burning Zone : Menace imminente (1996-1997)
Burning Zone : Menace imminente (1996-1997)
Chapeau melon et bottes de cuir est un témoignage historique et un refuge de valeurs dans une Grande-Bretagne devenue excessivement multiculturelle dont les traditions tendent à se liquéfier en magma insipide (critique de Bright Horizon).
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